Famous World Peace & Human Rights Quotes


“Humanity prevails when mankind is led by love, peace, unity, respect for human rights and the
rule of law as this ultimately repels all the different forms of social injustices that are found in
this world that attract international condemnation” (Rudolph Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).

“A mindset that appreciates and knows the benefits of tolerance and criticism in a society will
prevail in promoting democracy and human rights” (Rudolph. Patrick. Tawanda. Muteswa,

“Humanity that is surrounded by love, innovativeness, peaceful thinking and national building
ultimately wins its goals of respecting human rights, democratic principles and basic freedoms” (Rudolph Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).

“Human life is precious, sacred, irreplaceable, majestic, glorified and beyond imagination
therefore this is why it must enjoy all the various forms of human rights and freedoms” (Rudolph Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).

“A free society is one that enjoys unrestricted freedoms, unselective rule of law and dignity”
(Rudolph. Patrick .T. Muteswa, 2021).

“Democracy is the tool that is used to develop all the basic freedoms society desires and it helps entrench the value of liberty amongst the cultural beliefs, norms and opinions of people in general” (Rudolph. Patrick .T. Muteswa, 2021).

“The greatest weapon towards achieving democracy by any leader in politics or business is
tolerance towards constructive criticism, solidarity, cooperation and acting in good faith”
(Rudolph. Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).

A human being becomes whole or complete when they have the ability to enjoy basic human
rights thus this puts more emphasis on the issue of making the respect for human rights an
integral part of the development of mankind. One of the basic rights of mankind is the ability to
enjoy, maintain and promote peace (Rudolph. Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).


“The pillar that shapes, entrenches, dignifies, celebrates and cements all the ‘rights to life’,
‘rights to freedoms’ and the ‘rule of law’ of all the citizens in the world is ‘peace’ and the
interrelation of peace with the respect for human rights and democratic processes is
inseparable” (Rudolph Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).

“Today the absence of peace in other parts of the world results in the prolonged suffering of
people, increased poverty levels, lack of national pride, low morale amongst the general
populace, high unemployment rates, food shortages, poor healthcare systems, lack of access to education, reduced life expectancy rates, complicated conflict dynamics and the emigration of people into other countries to seek refuge out of fear of losing their lives. Thus a human mind that is happy, calm and fully functional requires a peaceful environment as a critical ingredient thus peace is a necessity for everyone who wants to enjoy life” (Rudolph Patrick .T. Muteswa, 2021).

“The journey of creating, promoting & sustaining peace and security around the world by
international world bodies and various nations across the world over the past century has not been definite, easy nor predictable thus many sacrifices and comprises were made in order for
world peace to be achieved. Celebrating peace is one way the citizens of the world can pass their devotion, honor & gratitude to all the great men & women who tireless contributed towards the accomplishment of peace in the world” (Rudolph. Patrick. T. Muteswa, 2021).